Operative Hysteroscopy - Removal of Polyps, Fibroids, Embedded IUDs

Barbara Schroeder, MD provides operative hysteroscopy to help patients address a number of gynecological concerns that affect the interior of the uterus. Operative hysteroscopy is an outpatient procedure that Dr. Schroeder utilizes to remove polyps, fibroids, and embedded IUDs.

lady in gray long sleeves holding the abdomenlady in gray long sleeves holding the abdomen

Uterine polyps are predominantly non-cancerous growths that attach to the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus. These growths can lead to pain, infertility, irregular menstrual bleeding, or bleeding after menopause. When uterine polyps are symptomatic, they need to be removed through operative hysteroscopy.

During operative hysteroscopy removal of polyps, the patient receives general anesthesia while Dr. Schroeder inserts a hysteroscope, a thin, lighted camera, through the vagina and cervix into the uterus to visualize the inside of the uterus and proceed to remove polyps with surgical precision.

Dr. Schroeder also uses operative hysteroscopy to remove uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids are very similar to polyps. These fibroids are benign tumors that form inside the uterus, resulting in irregular bleeding, pain, and frequent urination. The procedure for removing fibroids through operative hysteroscopy is essentially the same process as removing polyps.

Operative hysteroscopy is also the most common technique used for removing embedded IUDs. IUDs (intrauterine devices) are contraceptive devices that are placed in the uterus to prevent unwanted pregnancies. These devices are typically small, T-shaped coils that can sometimes become embedded in the uterine lining. When this occurs, they must be surgically removed.

Dr. Schroeder utilizes operative hysteroscopy to safely remove embedded IUDs and prevent further issues from occurring. If an embedded IUD is left untreated, it can result in severe pain and irregular bleeding. In some cases, the IUD may even migrate to other organs and surrounding tissue.

All operative hysteroscopy procedures with Barbara Schroeder, MD are outpatient procedures. This means that Dr. Schroeder’s patients are able to return home several hours after their procedure is complete.

Dr. Schroeder’s advanced surgical technique results in a very brief recovery and minimal discomfort. Patients can return to normal activity within several days after their procedure.


If you are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, Dr. Schroeder is transitioning out of obstetrics and is not accepting new patients. Please reach out to the appointment line at (713) 486-6600 to schedule your annual examination or to reach the hospital. We do not schedule annual exams through this website. If you would like to request information about gynecological surgery, please complete and submit the form below.