Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

A concerning symptom many women experience is abnormal vaginal bleeding. Abnormal bleeding is any vaginal bleeding that occurs outside of the patient’s normal menstrual cycle. This symptom is especially concerning for post-menopausal women who should not experience vaginal bleeding to any capacity.

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When a patient is struggling with abnormal bleeding, Barbara Schroeder, MD offers diagnostic hysteroscopy to help find the source of this issue. The diagnostic hysteroscopy procedure involves using a camera to examine the interior of the uterus and lower genital tract, searching for abnormalities such as cancerous or precancerous lesions. Diagnostic hysteroscopy can diagnose the following gynecological concerns and more:

  • Uterine fibroids or polyps

  • Endometrial polyps

  • Uterine cancer

  • Cervical cancer

  • Asherman’s syndrome (uterine adhesions)

  • Certain causes of fertility issues

The patient may receive a sedative or general anesthesia during a diagnostic hysteroscopy, depending on their unique needs. The patient lies back comfortably while the feet are positioned upwards in stirrups to hold the legs apart, similar to a pelvic examination to complete the procedure. Dr. Schroeder then dilates the cervix, widening it for the hysteroscope to be inserted into the uterus. The uterus is then filled with saline fluid to expand the uterus and clear away any blood, mucus, or discharge.

Dr. Schroeder takes this time to examine the uterine cavity, looking for any abnormalities that could cause abnormal bleeding. If anything concerning is found, the doctor will perform a biopsy by inserting surgical tools into the uterine cavity to remove abnormal tissue. This sample will then be sent away to a laboratory for testing.

Recovery from Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure. This means that patients can return home the same day as their procedure. The patient may be monitored for a short time immediately afterward before being discharged. When the hysteroscopy is performed without any biopsy or tissue removal, there is no recovery or downtime afterward. Following any tissue removal, there may be mild soreness or discomfort in the days following the procedure. Mild bleeding may occur, which will require the patient to wear a sanitary pad at this time.


If you are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, Dr. Schroeder is transitioning out of obstetrics and is not accepting new patients. Please reach out to the appointment line at (713) 486-6600 to schedule your annual examination or to reach the hospital. We do not schedule annual exams through this website. If you would like to request information about gynecological surgery, please complete and submit the form below.